Women Leadership Development - Kristin Colber-Baker

Point of View
2 min readAug 29, 2020


Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash

Addressing more than 200 Women Leadership Development Programme participants representing IndianOil, the guest speaker Kristin Colber-Baker spoke about the importance of PURPOSE. The discussion revolved around the three basic elements of Purpose: Personal, Community and Professional.

In this context, she shared her personal and professional experiences and gave an overall perspective of the unseen barriers and second-generation bias that exists for women in workplaces.

Colber-Baker touched upon some of the organizational practices that may work against career advancement of women and highlighted tips for women to climb up the corporate ladder. She also spoke on the purpose of leadership, saying “Purpose is not what you do, it’s how you do your job and why.”

The participants asked many questions on the purpose, role of women in the family, society and the organization and Colber-Baker elaborately answered all the questions. She concluded her session with the takeaway, “The world we want tomorrow starts with how we do business today.”

More information on the event can be found in the article below:

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Point of View

A point of view is the angle of considering things. It’s a platform for people with a vision and a story to tell.