Optimistic Industry Outlook Tempered by Security and Labor Concerns - Susan Poeton
A new industry report just came across my desk (which is to say, I was emailed a copy of the report, but my laptop does sit on a desk) that points to growing optimism among manufacturers over the next six months as we likely get out from under the pandemic.
That’s the good news.
The not-so-good news according to a survey conducted by Sikich LLP, a professional services company, is that only 5 percent are completely confident in their ability to find the talent they need in a highly competitive labor market.
Moreover, cybersecurity breaches continue to run rampant, with over half of surveyed manufacturers and distributors reporting at least two cyberattacks of some kind over the last year. The most common incidents include ransomware, email phishing scams and unemployment fraud.
Industry Today continues to report on these two very pertinent topics. Regarding the need to rethink workforce strategies, we most recently covered how the pandemic has fundamentally altered recruitment efforts required for business growth; another is how manufacturers are using digital techniques to attract new talent.
On the cybersecurity front, a survey of IT leaders found that 80 percent felt their organizations lacked sufficient protection, a situation the pandemic has exacerbated as companies deal with the issues of remote workforces at the expense of longer-range security initiatives. We also noted the steps manufactures require to verify cybersecurity compliance throughout their entire supply chains.
We will continue to monitor these situations closely. As soon as anything comes across my desk, you’ll be the first to know about it.
You can read the Sikich survey here.